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Summer Soul in the Park

We would like to invite you to join our dance family for casual drumming and dancing evenings in

the Park every summer.

We believe musicality is as important as breathing to a dancer, so we're offering everyone an opportunity to experience drumming, dancing to live music, and playing the finger cymbals. We want you to hear, play, and feel the different Middle Eastern rhythms we dance to.

Our lives are so busy and full we forget to stop to admire the view. Hagley Park provides us with the perfect central setting to enjoy nature, and to rest and revive our hearts and minds among its beautiful landscapes.

We like to set up beside or under the band rotunda off Riccarton Ave [where there is free parking!].

Please drop in at any point, as we have spare drums and finger cymbals available, and we ask only a gold coin donation for our time. A cushion, chair, or rug may also make your stay a little more comfortable.

An evening will be cancelled if it's wet; please watch for updates
here if the weather is uncertain.


Next sessions in December and January

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